Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Journal Six

In the film of The Hobart Shakespearians, I was so amazed at how well these children could read, talk, and interact with one another. It did not seem like these kids were in Elementary School. They were reading books like Lord of the Flies, and How to Kill A Mockingbird. I read these books my junior and senior year, before then I had never even heard of them. These kids were reading and understanding the book more than I could. The children did not mind to cut fun to learn new things, most children would rather have recess. You could definetly tell these kids were from one of the best schools in the nation. I was very impressed at the students, and how well they were in such a bad neighborhood.

The teacher says,  he wants to be able to ask the children "What are you? And I want them to say, I'm American." This was touching to me because it should'nt matter if the kids were considered American because they are just as smart and capable of the same things an American can do. They are no different than any American on the inside.

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